
Tune Out & Tune In with Bose

Bose QuietComfort 35ii

Andy's Travel Gear Product Reviews Series

These bad boys are deluxe! Super lightweight, quality build and the stunning sound that Bose is famous for. The QuietComfort 35ii are the latest iteration in a dynasty of excellent noise-cancelling headphones. When I had the chance to try these out, I was so excited. Here's my thoughts:


The Pros

The sound quality is absolutely amazing. Throw these on, and the background noise fades away. Bose has refined a technology that picks up on ambient noise and plays their opposing soundwaves to your ear, effectively canceling what your ear can sense. They are comfortable, and the over-ear headphones allow for hours of easy listening.

The Drawbacks


On my most recent trip, I wasn't able to justify the good deal of space that they would take up in my backpack. While they're excellent headphones, you definitely need to allow for the space they take up while packed in their case. Additionally, as they are wireless headsets, you have to remember to keep a charge in the headphones. One more thing to remember to plug in at the end of the day.

These are perfect for someone's at-home life, going to work, the gym, the metro etc. But for the backpacker, I just couldn't justify the space they would take up in the bag.

Check them out on Amazon here. $349

Read up on everything Bose at Bose.com and follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Photo cred: Bose Instagram

Photo cred: Bose Instagram

Incredible Sound from Tiny Bose Bluetooth Earbuds

Bose SoundSport Free

Andy's Travel Gear Product Reviews Series

I'd never ponied up for a set of bluetooth headphones like these, though they looked so cool! When I had the chance to try these out for Bose, I happily obliged. Very quickly, you realize Bose's commitment to high-quality sound isn't compromised by the tiny size of these innovative earbuds.

The next thing you notice when you enjoy the sound from this pair of buds is just how liberating it is to go wireless. With these, you can now wander the house, take care of chores, do laundry, organize your room and pack, all without worrying about the cords plugged into your phone. I'm a big podcast listener, while I take care of things around the house, and it was such a pleasure disconnecting from my phone.

These headphones make for great travel headphones, though I was always afraid of running out of juice. And my phone would burn through it's battery faster as well while I was using these. So ideally, you'll use these while your phone is plugged in, or you're at least near a power source.

They do make great calls, and the caller can clearly hear your voice, even though your mouth is far from the receiver on the right bud in your ear.



- Great construction: For how tiny these are, they feel sturdy and durable in your ears

- Well-fitting and comfortable: It took me a little bit to get used to earbuds in general, but thanks to these formfitting ear socks, I can leave these in all day if I want to, enjoying podcasts and music and taking calls.

- Strong connection: It feels great to disconnect from your phone and be able to take care of chores, hit the bathroom, get dressed without taking a break from the action.

- Great Sound: These little guys deliver all the sound that Bose is famous for despite their small package size.

- Relatively discrete: For whatever reason, if you were sporting a bluetooth headset like those 'Jawbones', you always looked like 'tool' to me. But these don't make me feel that way... Why? Who knows, they're basically the same thing. I think these are small enough that I can convince myself they're easy to miss.



While I loved these headphones, there were definitely some things to keep in mind.

- Charging: The charge doesn't last all that long. You're essentially forced to remember to charge these headphones each night. It's one more thing to remember to plug in.

- Battery burn: Not only do these buds require a diligent eye to the charge, but you'll also be burning through your smartphone battery or computer battery that much faster with bluetooth. Not a bother for those who are never far from a charge. But for travelers, this can be a headache.


Bottom Line:

When I had the charge, these headphones are ideal for runs around the park or chores around the house. I found myself opting for these consistently over my wired headphones. HOWEVER, the charging issue is a bit of a headache. The charge seems to last a couple hours, and the case they come in to charge can offer another couple hours of listtening, but if you're traveling with these, you'll also want to carry standard headphones for when these die.

A side note: While these headphones are discrete in your ears, they do stick out from your head just a bit. In tight passageways, doorways or even on a sailboat I was chartering, I've knocked these out my ears by catching them on something as I walk by. When I was on the sail boat, my right earbud was lost to the sea :(

Check them out on Amazon here. $200

Read up on everything Bose at Bose.com and follow them on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Fits comfortably in your ear and stays there. Check them out at Bose.com!

Fits comfortably in your ear and stays there. Check them out at Bose.com!

The carrying case also charges the earbuds to 100%. More at Bose.com.

The carrying case also charges the earbuds to 100%. More at Bose.com.